The Story...
Andrea and Tyler met on a 3-day, 2-night train ride crossing the plains of West Africa from Senegal to Mali. The weekly train stopped 20 hours early due to a train derailment ahead.….they got on the next bus to Bamako and went on to spend the rest of their journey together from Mali to Ghana.
Andrea was on a tight schedule (as she normally is) and Tyler had a one-way ticket (as he normally does), so they bid farewell in a small beach town in Eastern Ghana and Andrea flew back to NY.
Tyler remained in Ghana for about a month longer, and in that time went to a small town just outside of Kumasi — the second largest city in Ghana. On Andrea’s advice, he volunteered at Habitat for Humanity during his time there. When the other Habitat volunteers left after the build, Tyler stayed to learn more about the Afamanso community.
Trying to write home and share his stories in the village, he came to know firsthand the state of (or lack of) technology in the village.
There is no cyber (internet) cafe in Afamanaso. You must go to the next town over, Agona Ashanti, to check email or access the internet. And it is not much better there. While in Agona Ashanti, Tyler waited an hour to check his email. Children huddled around the computers in the café, waiting just as long to open the homepages of their favorite websites.
Tyler spoke to the village chief and board members to ask what they needed and wanted most in Afamanaso…..they wanted to be connected to the information age. They wanted to have computers in their village. They wanted their children to know as much about computers as the children in the next town and in developed countries.